In a world of so much change and uncertainty,
True stories of Lives Transformed
Through Faith IN JESUS CHRIST.
We imagine a world in which EVERY PERSON
has the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.
Join us:
Share Eternal Hope Through Jesus Christ
HOW? Challenge News is a simple tool to help you get started to "gossip the Gospel". Place a paper into the hands of someone who needs to hear or send it where you cannot go.
What's In The Papers?
- Testimonies of Changed Lives.
- Good News Stories
- Helpful Life Tips
Written especially for the "unchurched".
Share Good News
Who We Are
Challenge News is a Non-denominational ministry which started in Perth, Australia, over 30 years ago.
Our Mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ through testimonies of faith.
What We Do
Challenge exists to equip Christians to easily share the Gospel with others through a newspaper (in print or online).
The paper is full of personal testimonies, helpful tools and good news.
Where We Serve
As a global ministry, our main hub is in Perth, Australia. Although we have ministry offices in the USA and South Africa, our reach is global and we print papers in various languages and countries.
Now more than ever,
people need a message of HOPE!
As Christians, we have an incredible Gift to offer to others,

Less than 10% of Christians share their faith.
Most don't know how to get started.
Fear and guilt paralyse some.
Challenge helps overcome the barriers of
how to start
and what to say
Simply hand the paper to someone, add it to gifts or food boxes, leave it in waiting rooms.
Challenge News has been created to help Christians share the good news of Jesus,
AND the opportunity to experience the incredible joy of seeing someone accept Christ.
To Learn More ... Watch This Video.
Find out how we are helping Christians and Churches to impact their Communities.

Ready To Impact Your Community?

Want help to share your faith?
We can help you to clearly share about Jesus Christ and His plan of salvation for all people.
We partner with you whether you are a .....

Is the paper effective?
The best way to tell you of Challenge Newspaper’s effectiveness is by testimonies.
Below are a few quotes from Challenge users.
• I had the privilege to lead my mom, aged
83, to Christ. She thought Jesus was just a
legend, until she read about people’s personal
experience of Jesus Christ in the Challenge
Read More Stories Here
• Our church went from using 20 papers to 1000 papers every month simply by placing a Challenge Stand in two local shops.
• Our church which is in a mining town thought that 40 newspapers would be more than adequate ... we were amazed to find 400 per month is still not enough.
• Our church delivered 550 papers to homes every three months and then followed up. When asked, 530 people requested to continue
receiving the newspaper.
General Edition

“If you are looking for a tool to enhance your evangelism efforts in your local context, this could be exactly what you are looking for. It's a great reflection of the gospel that tells true, life changing and life touching stories. Couldn’t you find a place for it in your evangelism platform?”
Jack Helton , Ohio State Evangelism Director
Prison Edition

“The Challenge Good News Paper, Prison Edition, is like the Yellow Pages —in that it does the walking for us. We may not be able to get into every prison, however, the Good News paper gets into every prison, every cell, and ultimately every heart. We are impacting one of the least reached people groups.”
Pastor Willy Dengler, World Hope
Spanish Edition

“If you are looking for a tool to enhance your evangelism efforts in your local context, this could be exactly what you are looking for. It's a great reflection of the gospel that tells true, life changing and life touching stories. Couldn’t you find a place for it in your evangelism platform?”
Pastor Will Herndon, Argentina
Hear What Others Have To Say

Help grow a movement of believers sharing hope in a seemingly hopeless world.
Christians, churches, ministries and businesses who WANT to IMPACT THEIR COMMUNITIES with the POWER OF THE GOSPEL.
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come." Mt 24:14
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