Challenge Newspaper reaches places we cannot go and
shares a message of hope with those we may never meet.
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25 Papers - $ 11.50 + $ 12.50 S&H = $ 24.00
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Only $500 per year supports papers going into a prison for 1 year
Get your CHALLENGE PAPERS delivered in time
The prison papers have a unique response section. When a prisoner responds through the paper, they are connected with a partnering ministry, Crossroads Prison Ministries, who provides follow-up, discipleship materials, and when requested, Gospel information for the prisoners' families.
Response numbers are increasing!
Year: Responses
2018: 1163
Prison Edition Newspaper
Challenge USA Prison Edition was launched in November 2011
As of today, over 360 prisons throughout the U.S. and Canada receive the Challenge Prison Edition with many responses to the Gospel
Our Mission is to share the gospel with incarcerated prisoners
Our Vision is to provide support to prison chaplains and to prisoners who respond
Challenge prints a Prison edition 6-times a year
Facts & Statistics
The U.S. has over 2.3 million prisoners incarcerated
Within 3 years, 67.8% of released prisoners are re-arrested
Within 5 years, 76.6% of released prisoners are re-arrested
93% of prisoners are men and 7% are women
50% of prisoners are charged with drug offenses
Children of prisoners are 70% more likely to commit a crime
There are more than 10,000 prisons in the U.S.
At Challenge Literature Fellowship, we are encouraged by the letters of testimony we receive from those who give and are given the Challenge Prison edition. Listed below are a few excerpts from recently received response letters.
“The Challenge Good News Paper, Prison Edition, is like the Yellow Pages —in that it does the walking for us. We may not be able to get into every prison, however, the Good News paper gets into every prison,
every cell, and ultimately every heart.”
“I’ve just recently read a copy of the Challenge newspaper and I have to tell you, it’s very inspiring…
“I would like to personally thank you on the behalf of the men here at CCI for donating the Challenge Newspapers…helping us bring the Gospel to the lost here and helping to strengthen the foundation to those who are saved and growing.” - Dr. Jawrence E. Freeman
“I’m coming to you as a Leper that’s returning to say thank you for your fine work with this prison newspaper. I’m overjoyed to see such a blessed newspaper with a relevant approach in writing articles.”
“Now I am coming to you and truly for the first time in my life I am asking for your help, for me to find a way to God. I want to turn my life around but I don’t know how. I am glad that someone gave this paper to me and told me to write to you.”
If you would like a digital copy of the original response letters, please contact us at [email protected].
Challenge Prison Ministry
Are you currently involved in prison work?
We receive many requests from prison chaplains and ministries.
Would you help bring a message of hope?
500/year: Delivers 225 papers to one prison 6 times.
50/month: supports multiple prisons receiving papers.
20/month: delivers 100 papers to one prison 6 times.
10/month: delivers 50 papers to one prison 6 times.
Is your church, business, or organization seeking ways to walk alongside those who are incarcerated? By supporting the Prison edition, you contribute to changed lives, which greatly reduces re-offending.
Although the Challenge Paper is not a physical laborer, “The
Good News paper gets into every prison, every cell, and ultimately every heart.” - Willie Dengler, World Hope Africa
"He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'" (Luke 10:2)
Our partnerships with chaplains and Crossroads Prison Ministriesare integral to the impact of the paper on prisoners' lives
Challenge develops partnerships with prison chaplains and prison ministries to ensure follow-up and discipleship.
Many prisoners respond to the articles we place in Challenge for the Crossroads Bible Institute.
All requests for biblical materials such as Bibles and Bible studies are sent to CBI for follow-up.
“A converted soul, life skills, and active discipleship work together, resulting in the reduction of the repeat offender rate to less than 5%." - Carl K.
Crossroads Prison Ministries
Crossroads Bible Institute is an international discipleship ministry for prisoners and their families. Crossroad equips the body of believers to disciple people in prison with the Word of God.