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The Gift that has supernatural power to change hearts and lives.

$5,000 raised

Goal: $20,000

One of the many incredible stories we have the privilege of hearing .....

As I look into the mirror I find a stained image. One who has spent many a moon in his own bondage as you can tell by the return address. I needed to tell you what your newspaper has meant to me. To say this will cause me to drop a few points in my “gangsta” hood, but so be it. Reading what so many souls were saying about God well, it seemed as if I could hear them speaking into my soul. It made me wonder if there is life or hope for someone like me. I don’t deserve it as I’ve left nothing in my wake but heartache and pain. My only claim to fame-crime. I have wasted 40 years of my life. You have taken a harden man and given him hope. Your newspaper has made a difference in at least one life. You’ve given me sunshine where there was once so much darkness. I am not asking for you to feel my pain but simply to remember my chains.        Prisoner D. in Alabama

This giving Tuesday, Please help us to ...
vulnerable families affected by incarceration.

This giving Tuesday, Please help us to ...
vulnerable families affected by incarceration.

A Global Generosity Movement

December 03, 2019

Thank You for ...

"Remembering the prisoners as though you were in prison with them." Hebrews 13:3


Supply papers for 2 prisoners for 1 year


Supply papers for multiple prisoners


Supply papers to a prison for 3 print runs


Supply papers to a prison for 1 year

$ ___________   

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100% of our resources for Giving Tuesday support papers into prisons. 

$50     $100     $250     $500     $ ______

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Or: Make a monthly gift 

Your gift makes a difference.
  Without you, our work would simply not be possible.

If you would like to donate by phone or 
give a different amount  ...  please call here.


Nonprofit 501(c)3 Statement

Challenge Literature Fellowship-USA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code requirements of charitable contributions, no goods or services are provided in return for a tax deductible contribution.


Please let me know how my gift is helping to change a life!

   Secure Payment: All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...

Not only giving hope to prisoners .... but to our hard working Chaplains as well!

What an awesome "Good News" Newspaper, Prison Edition...such an encouragement that God is at work and bringing hope to those incarcerated! It also brings hope to us workers that our labors are not in vain, that God continues to work in their lives long after the seeds are planted. 

Jerry Thorne, Director of Oceana County Jail Ministry (MI)

The Testimony of Prisoner "M" From Ohio


The Testimony of Prisoner "A" From Florida

All my life my grandma kept her grand kids in church. I always thought it was boring so I skipped out. 

After reading “Hustling for Jesus” in the Challenge newspaper that came into the prison. It gave me words of wisdom. It felt like they were talking to me. I felt every word they were saying. I held back tears cause everything they were saying was true.
Even though I had picked up the Bible I was still stressed...I wanted to go with God - I give! 
It wasn’t until I received “Challenge, The Good News Paper” that I really believe people of my kind of sins can be forgiven. I prayed that night and asked why? If there really is a God, he had to know my addiction. 
I asked God for forgiveness and to wash my sins away. I want to be clean for when I see my child in the near future. 
I want to let you guys know one more sheep has been found by Jesus!!! God Bless. 

I’ve recently read a copy of the Challenge newspaper and I have to tell you, it’s very inspiring...

I came across the little section where it will lead a person to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I read it and it touched me deep down in my heart. 
After 31 years of living the wrong way and doing my own thing, I decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior... Through that little section with the prayer on it. 
Instantly the weight on my shoulders got lifted up. I felt peace in my heart. I am writing to ask you all to please help me with this “new found life.” I am gonna live from this point forward. 
I need a Bible or other literature like a Bible study. Anything that will help me grow in this spiritual walk. 
I’m hungry for the Word and eager to live my life through Jesus Christ. 

I'd like to know some more ... 

Sad Facts

  •  2.3 million people incarcerated

  • Over 10,000 correctional facilities and jails in the USA

  • An enormous mission field often overlooked

  • ​Within 5 years, 76.6% of released prisoners are re-arrested

  • ​Children of prisoners are 70% more likely to be incarcerated

Effective Solutions

  • Currently in 360 prisons

  • 1163 responses to the Gospel in 2018

  • All who respond are followed up with discipleship materials

  • ​Re-offence rates drop below 10% with a genuine conversion

  • ​The cycle is broken for the families and children

Our prayer is that you see the value of the work that is taking place and the results of changed lives.
When Jesus was berated for eating with tax collectors and sinners, He answered that "it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners" (Mark 2:17).

The Challenge Good News Paper, Prison edition, is like the Yellow pages - in that it does the walking for you. We may not be able to get into every prison, however, the Good News paper gets into every prison, every cell and ultimately every heart.” 

Willie Dengler, Senior Pastor of Mayfair Baptist Church South and Head of World Hope Ministries South Africa.
 ©2019 - Bring a Message of HOPE - All Rights Reserved

Challenge Literature Fellowship Inc - 2634 Drake Rd, Lebanon, Ohio 45036

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